FileVault Cracking Core
This core is actually just a modification of the WPA-PSK cracking core, since filevault uses PBKDF2 to do its password hashing. All that we did was change the iteration count from 4096 to 1000. Because of the lower iteration count, vfcrack will crack hashes roughly 4x faster than cowpatty and have roughly the same speed improvement over cracking on a CPU.
Currently vfcrack has support for cracking on your CPU or using a Pico E-12 card. All you need to use vfcrack is the dmg file and a list of passwords you want to try. Typically a laptop will get around 320 passphrases per second and a E-12 will get around 1800 per second.
3300 Sempron
2.16GHz Intel Duo
Pico E-12 (Virtex-4 LX25)